Tuesday, November 18, 2014

So long Dallas, Hello Seattle!

What?! The last blog I wrote is 2 years ago?! Yikes. Time really flies.

Things have been a bit crazy and we are now in Seattle. My family and I enjoyed living in Dallas for 2 years, but I love Seattle, too! Ocean, mountains, and great food. I am not moving anymore! For those whom I was able to photograph in Dallas, big THANK YOU! I enjoyed photographing all of you guys. Please remember that I travel! Ha!

So, here I am in rainy city, Seattle! Rain here is not bad (well, so far). The weather forecast says that it rains most of the time in winter, but normally it rains a bit in the morning and clears up in the afternoon. The rain is not a pouring rain for most of the time. After experiencing -20 degrees winter in MN and 100 plus degrees summer in TX, I have no problem with drizzles of rain! My camera equipments had experienced extreme hot and cold and they did pretty well (except frying an external flash sometimes in TX)!

I am exploring what opportunities are out here, and I am very optimistic about it!

Thank you so much for stopping by to read my blog. I will keep it coming!