As I mentioned briefly about an exam in my previous blog, I've been preparing for an exam for CPP (Certified Professional Photographer). This is a certification to prove that you have a knowledge and experience in a particular field of photography you are specialized in (http://certifiedphotographer.com/). I knew about CPP for few years, however I had no intention of getting into it until last year. Because I had an "attitude" about going "by the book" and also liked to emphasize originality. I thought going through this exam will create a mold to become a photographer with no uniqueness.... Ah, I was so wrong.
The preparation for this exam completely flipped my perception. I've been going through a book, The Photography by Barbara London and John Upton which is the resource book for an exam. Fortunately, I already had this book from a lighting class I took in Minneapolis. It's been so much fun going through a book reading from A to Z about photography. It's an amazing (reassuring) and humble (ah-ha! moments) feeling at the same time. Reading about developing black and white film made me time tripped years back when I was working in a dark room (and got an itch to go back to print some black and white film, yes film!). I am also referencing this study guide that came across called CPP Exam "Piece of Cake" Study Guide. It's very easy to read and making me relaxed with this preparation process.
CPP certification process has two phases. One is an exam and another is image submission. Images I submit must be from job assignments (not "self-assignments") in the last 24 months. I am excited to look through the images I've worked with all my lovely clients and narrow down the images to submit. I will work on the phase 2 once I'm done with the exam part.
An exam is on April 29th, which is about a month away. I feel like I'm back to be a college student or something but even better since I'm studying for something I love (not a political science and such :)
While on break, I am playing hard with my kiddos. Need some balance, right?! :)
Thank you for stopping by to read my blog! I will keep it coming.
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