Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fun Moment

A commercial shoot at a bank in a suburb. I was trying so hard not to use a word "shoot" for this session, since it's not really appropriate to use a word "shoot" at a bank. It slipped out multiple times as my old habit like; "Ok guys, let's shoot this group now...oops, I mean let's take photographs of this group now!". I'm so glad that everyone there was so cooperative and fun (as you can see!).   

Monday, February 16, 2009


Yan is 5 weeks old.
He is thinking, "Hmmm, what should I eat today; Milk, milk or milk?"

Check out these beautiful eyes! He can see his mom so well with these big eyes (can you see his mom in his eye?). Amazing!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Lipo is a professional violin maker. It is fascinating and magical to see him create something so beautiful from a piece of wood.  According to Lipo, the most difficult part of violin making is to create the vibrant color in violins.  It sure does look amazing.  

Thanks, Lipo for letting me shoot and ask bunch of questions while you are concentrating on your work!

He clearly knows what he is doing!